A new cigar, the Syncro Nicaragua, is fast-becoming a customer favorite at M.A.’s Smokehouse.
The first in a new line created by cigar maker AVO, the Syncro features a rare tobacco grown on a remote Nicaraguan island. With a flavor known for its wild character and peppery notes, you might say the tobacco is as intriguing as the story of company founder Avo Uvezian.
A talented jazz pianist from Lebanon, Uvezian’s musical skills led him to form a post World War I band, play for the Shah of Iran, study at New York’s Juillard School of Music, and even serve in a US military band.
But it was while he was playing at the Palmas del Mar resort that he noticed patrons enjoying cigars as much as the music. He even placed cigars on his piano for fans to smoke.
Uvezian grew so interested in cigars that he created his own brand, which he first sold under the name ‘Bolero.’ In 1987, he changed the name to ‘AVO’ and debuted it in New York City. Over the next decade, AVO grew from annual sales of 5,000 cigars to more than three million.
With that kind of growth, it’s no wonder that the AVO Syncro Nicaragua is becoming a fan favorite of our customers.
“We’ve had great customer feedback on this cigar,” says Buddy Williams, M.A.’s Smokehouse manager. “The tobacco is both sweet and spicy, but balanced by creamy notes from Dominican leaves.”
If you haven’t tried one yet, stop by one of our stores in Shreveport or Bossier and pick one up. We think you’ll be a fan of the Syncro Nicaragua too.